Reiwa 2nd year agenda item and contents of discussion (76th December 20)

Question "Riwa 1 Akita Rinko Police Station Basic Policy and Key Targets"

Report items

  • I want traffic safety education for pedestrians.
  • We want self-defense and crime prevention classes to be held as personal safety measures.

Explanation of the status of efforts for the previous report

  1. Report items
    1. Education of psychological and medical knowledge for people with mental illness
    2. Enhance security of government office facilities such as police box counters and emergency bells
  2. Initiative status
    1. Lecture by a psychiatrist On November 21, this year, Dr. Yuya Takahashi, director of the Department of Psychiatry at Akita Red Cross Hospital, was invited to give a lecture on "Family Mental Illness".
      The staff members responded, saying, "I was able to acquire knowledge about familiar mental illness" and "I learned that it was important to check my own mental state." .
    2. Surveillance cameras The surveillance cameras that had been installed only outside the police box were also installed inside the police box.
      By installing a camera, it became possible to record suspicious visitors, and it became possible to share information with employees after replacement.
      In addition, it is now possible to verify the incidents that occurred in the police box with video, and more advanced post-mortem measures have become possible.
    3. Implement patrols to enhance on-site execution capabilities
      On November 26, at the Tsuchizaki station police box, training was conducted by the police arrest instructor and the wireless communication instructor.
      The training included training on how to use the emergency call button on the radio and how to control suspected weapons.
      Young police officers responded, saying, "Training at police boxes allowed me to imagine more actual battles," and "I would like to actively participate in future opportunities."

Council situation 1 [36KB]

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Council status

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Akita-Rinko Police Station