• Community Safety Dept. Dispatch Div.
  • 2023.01.24
  • Content number607

The usage method has been changed since March 27, 1980.
The address has been changed, so please update your registration.

For those who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who want to convey information by text, we accept 110 by email and 110 by fax.

Click on the address below or enter your e-mail address to send e-mail number 110

The following e-mail address has been changed since March 27, 1980.

Mail address mail_110@gaea.ocn.ne.jp

For fax number 110, please send the report to 018-823-1110 .


Please state the following:

Example of report contents
What happened? Traffic accidents, theft damage, fights, etc.
Where was it? ○ City ○ Town ○ Address or prominent building
When was it? What time
Who is the culprit? Features, escape directions, car numbers, etc.
What is going on now? Damage situation / accident situation / injury
you are? Address, name, age, gender, etc.
What is the relationship with the incident? Relationship with victims and witnesses
What is your current location? ○ City ○ Town ○ Address or prominent building


  • The police will reply after receiving your email, so please check your reply.
  • Police cars and police officers will rush, so be sure to let us know where you are and the status of the damage.
  • If you have set spam prevention settings, you may not be able to receive replies from the police. Please cancel the settings.
  • As a general rule, it becomes correspondence to case, accident that occurred in Akita.
  • Communication fee is paid by yourself.
  • If the server is crowded or the reception is poor due to poor signal condition, if there is no immediate reply, please resend or ask a nearby person to call 110.

Contact us about this page

Community Safety Dept. Dispatch Div.