What is an antique

  • Goods used once
  • Goods traded for use even if new
  • Some care for these things

Antiques classified as 13 items

  1. Fine art
  2. clothing
  3. Clocks and jewelry
  4. Car
  5. Motorcycles and motorbikes
  6. Bicycles
  7. Photographic equipment
  8. Office equipment
  9. Machine tools
  10. Tools
  11. Leather and rubber products
  12. Books
  13. Cash vouchers

Contact for permission application

Those who want to run antique business

↓ Application for permission

Police station responsible for the location of the office

Life Safety Section

Person who cannot receive permission

  1. A person who does not obtain the right to reinstate following the decision to commence bankruptcy proceedings
  2. Not more than 5 years after being punished or revoked
  3. The person whose residence is unknown
  4. Minors who do not have the same abilities as adults in sales
  5. Gangsters
Documents required for permission application (one copy is acceptable, except for pledges and resumes)
Permission classification Required documents Apply for personal permission Application for corporate permission
Resident card Applicant and all sales managers 2 each All officers, including Audit & Supervisory Board members, and all managers at all sales offices, two each
Identification Same as above for each two Same as above for each two
written oath Same as above (for personal use and for managers) 2 each Same as above (for officers and managers) 2 each
CV Same as above for each two Same as above for each two
Certificate of entry - Two for the corporation to apply for
Copy of articles of incorporation - Same as above
Documents required for notification of change
Change of name due to marriage etc. Copy of resident's card
Change of residence Copy of resident's card
Change in name and location of corporation Certificate of entry
Change of corporate officer Certificate of entry (for newly appointed officers, a resident's card, identification card, resume, and pledge are required)
Change of sales office manager Resident's card, ID card, CV and written oath of newly appointed manager
Expansion of sales office Same as above of the manager of the sales office related to the expansion
A person who wants to obtain permission to sell antiques 19,000 yen
A person who intends to receive a reissue of a secondhand goods license 1,300 yen
A person who intends to rewrite a secondhand license 1,500 yen

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to consult with your local police safety officer.

If you want to run a curio dealer

Contact us about this page

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